Unholy Missions
I want to be buried in an anonymous crater inside the moon.
I want to build miniature golf courses on all the stars.
I want to prove that Atlantis was a summer resort for cave.
I want to prove that
on us by superior beings on a humorous planet.
I want to expose Heaven as an exclusive sanitarium filled.
with rich psychopaths who think they can fly.
I want to show that the Bible was serialized in a Roman
children's magazine.
I want to prove that the sun was born when God fell asleep.
with a lit cigarette, tired after a hard night of judging.
I want to prove once and for all that I am not crazy.
Misiones profanas
Quiero que me entierren en un cráter anónimo en la luna.
Quiero construir minigolfs en todas las estrellas.
Quiero probar que
de las cavernas.
que nos gastaron los seres superiores de un planeta simpático.
Quiero denunciar al Cielo, un sanatorio exclusivo, repleto
de ricos psicópatas que creen poder volar.
romana para niños.
con un cigarro encendido, exhausto tras una dura noche como juez.